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All the purchases are shipped from our warehouse by reputed courier agencies. Normally the order will get delivered within 2-3 working days between Monday to Saturday, there might be a delay in delivery depending upon the delivery location, if the delivery location is in some interiors or difficult coverage area then the delivery of the order might take 3-7 days. Please be advised that shipments are not sent out on Saturdays, Sundays, or any Holidays
Currently, we are providing FREE SHIPPING all over India.
Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery please suggest an alternative i.e. a family member, colleague, neighbor, etc. We take no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person.
We are not responsible for damage after delivery. All claims for shortages or damages must be reported to customer service through email at care@vrisasales.com within 48 hours of delivery. We follow a no returns, no refunds policy, once your order is confirmed.